Wednesday 20 November 2013

How to be a film critic

Writing a Review
Before we start, it is important to make this very clear. A review is NOT simply a retelling of a plot of a movie, it is an informed opinion or criticism. You are the person giving the reader an idea of why they should see or buy it.If you are going to approach doing a film review then please consider relevant information such as:

The director-is it a good or bad film?How?Why?How does it compare to their previous work?

Actors-did they play their parts well?

Characters-how believable were they?What kind of characters did they portray?

Plot-does the plot hold your attention or not?Why? Do not give away the ending!!!

Setting-where and when does the story take place?

Genre-what type of film is it? For this type of genre, how would you rate it and why?

Script-Could the script have been improved? is it well written? Were there any memorable quotes?

Please note that it is not simply a retelling of the plot

Here is a review of the movie Toy Story 3 by Mark Kermode

Other websites which may be helpful:

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