Sunday 12 November 2017

Level 5 Listening and Speaking - Oral Presentation Skills

 It will be recorded on videotape in front of the class. A suggestion would be to do your presentation on your report in your previous assignment where you have already done a lot of the work and where the topic is fresh in your mind and you have your primary and secondary data researched already. You don’t have to though, you can pick another topic if you wish however it must revolve around an industry you are interested in starting a career in. Make sure you know when you are up as it may be difficult to reschedule you without advance notice. If you can’t make the date, swap with someone who will.

This assignment demonstrates your listening and speaking skills. A lot more information can be found on if you look up the Digital Presentations subject covered on this blog

Listening and Speaking - Oral Presentation Skills (To include non-verbal and visual
o Learners should make a presentation of 5 – 10 minutes in duration.
o The presentation should be on a topic related to a career path you are interested in .
o It should include appropriate visual supports.
o It should include a question and answer session at the end of the presentation.
o It should assess the learner’s ability to communicate to a group of people
o The presentation should be recorded on visual recorder.
Assessment Criteria
Evidence of thorough preparation and rehearsal                                                                      3
Clear structure with beginning, middle, end and linking                                                          3
Interest sustained, very good rapport with the audience, presentation
tailored to environment, and suitable visual supports used                                                        3
Good voice control, with variety of tone, clarity of diction and pace, body
language, gesture, stance all excellent                                                                                            3
Ability to interpret and respond appropriately to questions asked                                       3

You will be asked at least 10 questions

How important are the following when delivering a presentation?

Clarity of voice, pitch, tone, volume

Pace, speed, articulation

Body language used in a formal and informal context

Formal v informal language


The environment

Visual communication


Facial expression
Body language

Why do we present?

To educate

To advertise

To inform

To aid meaning

To express ideas

To persuade

Useful Powerpoint Presentation video tutorials

HOW TO Give a Great Presentation - 7 Presentation Skills and Tips to Leave an Impression

The video below provided by Microsoft Europe shows the potential and advantages of Powerpoint 2010
Youtube Video:Powerpoint 2010: The Possibilities - Duarte HD
Uploaded by  on 8 Dec 2009 for

Here is another demo for how to create a Powerpoint 2010 presentation

Youtube Video:Creating a Presentation - PowerPoint 2010
Uploaded by  on 2 Sep 2010

Curious about inserting a movie into a presentation?The tutorial below shows you how to do it in Powerpoint 2007.
Youtube Video: PowerPoint 2007: Inserting a Movie into a Presentation

How to animate text in a Powerpoint presentation which will let your text move, spin or fly from space to space
Youtube Video:How to Animate Text in a PowerPoint Presentation For Dummies
Uploaded by  on 26 Feb 2009

Here is a video tutorial about how to make a powerpoint animation 
Youtube Video:
How to make a powerpoint animation : tutorial
Uploaded by  on 28 Oct 2009

Good Powerpoint Examples Video Tutorials
Curious about how to create a really good powerpoint? Have a look at the video below to help guide you. It concerns how to create create presentations rather than bad ones.
Youtube Video: How to create an Awesome PowerPoint presentation
Uploaded by  on 3 Nov 2009

Youtube Video: Good Powerpoint Examples
Uploaded by  on 27 Apr 2010

Presentation Advice Videos 
 The video below provided by Speakfirst focuses on how to improve your presentations comparing mistakes with improvements
Youtube Video:Presentation skills - How to improve your presentations

Apple's CEO Steve Jobbs is considered to be one of the greatest public speakers in the world today. Here is a video provided by BNET Video

Youtube Video:
Present Like Steve Jobs Online videos for busy business professionals BNET Video
Uploaded by  on 17 Apr 2008

Youtube Video: Death By Powerpoint

Uploaded by  on Jun 7, 2010

 Answering questions after your presentation can appear daunting as you do not know what it is you will be asked. There is only so much that can be prepared.

Youtube Video: Ep 10. How To Answer Questions On Your Presentation - Presentation Skills - Public Speaking
Uploaded by  on Jun 21, 2010

Non Verbal Communication
-Communication without words
“Actions Speak Louder Than Words.”

It's not always what you say but how you say it which can help deliver the effectiveness of your message
Youtube Video
Body Language at Work by Peter Clayton

Uploaded by  on 18 Dec 2008

ΕΎFacial expression

Universal facial expressions signify anger, fear, sadness, joy and disgust. Thus, if you smile frequently you will be perceived as more likable, friendly, warm and approachable. Smiling is often contagious and a person will react favorably
. We have 250,000 facial expressions.

 Your eye-contact can give clear indicators regarding whether you are telling the truth or not.Have a look at these 2 short video clips to see what I mean:
Youtube Video 

Anthony Weiner Scandal: Body Language Similarities to Bill Clinton, Tiger Woods, Elliot Spitzer

Uploaded by  on 9 Jun 2011

Body Language Breakdown: Obama on '60 Minutes', Trump, and the Royal Wedding

Uploaded by  on 13 May 2011

-Your posture–including the pose, stance and bearing of the way you sit, slouch,
stand, lean, bend, hold and move your body in space affects the way people
perceive you.
 -Mirroring the other person in your posture style, where your left side complements their right side can increase the likelihood of a favourable perception of the communicator.
-Displaying a forward lean or a decrease in a backwards lean also signify
positive sentiment during communication.
Youtube Video

Body Language - Open Posture Vs. Closed Posture 

 Uploaded by  on 19 Oct 2009

A gesture is a non-vocal bodily movement intended to express meaning. They 
may be articulated with the hands, arms or body, and also include movements of
the head, face and eyes, such as winking, nodding, or rolling one's eyes.
If you fail to gesture while speaking, you may be perceived as  boring, stiff an

Youtube Video 

Body Language: The Meanings of Hand Gestures 

Uploaded by  on 28 Oct 2009

Physical Touch
Touches that can be defined as communication include handshake, holding
hands, kissing (cheek, lips, hand), back slapping, give five, a pat on the shoulder,
and brushing an arm. The meaning conveyed from touch is highly dependent
upon the context of the situation, the relationship between communicators, and
the manner of touch.
Youtube Video 

10 Types of Handshakes 

 Uploaded by  on 1 May 2009

1. When you meet someone for the first time, how do you greet him or her?

2. Do you use the same greeting for men as for women?

3. How do you greet a friend of the same sex as yourself?

4. How do you greet a friend of the opposite sex?

5. How do you greet members of your family: children adults old people?

6. Describe three gestures you use frequently and say what they mean.


Friday 24 March 2017

Learners Record Portfolio of Assessment 40%

The Portfolio of Assessment is worth 40% of your final mark. Students are required to produce an online learners record which engages and reflects on theories and practice acquired in the subject of Multimedia Communications.

The marking scheme of this learners record is as follows:
Charting the student's learning experience, whether in media, film or research                        20
A reflection and evaluation of Communication Theory and practice                                       20

Here is a clip regarding how to create a blog through blogger


Tuesday 21 March 2017

Communication models and Communications In Contemporary Society

There are a number of models that students will need to familiarise themselves with in Multimedia Communications. Human communication exchanges information through a medium.

Communications theory
The word communication means to share, impart or make common. It comes from the Latin
word communicaire. Communication is an active process that is continually changing and
evolving. How well we communicate is often determined by how easily we can share or
impart information or find common ground with other people.

Language changes overtime and someone like Shakespeare may have difficulty understanding “textspeak”. Everytime we speak we put together a selection  of words we may have never used before. 2 people communicating with each other may have no idea where they will end up in conversation.

What Reasons Do We Have to Communicate?
-Personal needs
-Societal needs
-Economy (buying and selling)
-Making sense of the world
-Decision making

        Discuss in class examples of the reasons for communication as highlighted above. Can you give a real world example as to why any of the points above are reasons to communicate?

For  Communication to be Effective:
-Effective communication is about conveying your message to others clearly and minimising
dangers for misinterpretation

Example of how information can be misinterpreted

-Effective communication is also about
receiving information from others, with
minimal distortion

What is the communication process?

The communication process is an important process by which humans communicate with each other.


There are THREE basic elements which are central to the communication process.

1. The audience

 2. The Message you want to share


3. The Channel of communication

Communication Theory Definitions
Message: The information you want to communicate 
Encoding: The process of transferring info you wish to communicate into a form that can be
sent and decoded at the other end. Encoding is is the process by which information from a
source is converted into symbols to be communicated
Channel: The method used to communicate eg face to face meetings, telephones & video
conferencing, letters, emails, memos, reports
Decoding: the process of transforming information from one format into another, usually
information sent from the sender.
Receiver: Must understand your message and is at the receiving end of the communication
channel. They receive decoded messages or info from the sender. Sometimes, the receiver
has to decode the message themselves

Example of positive feedback

Feedback: is the verbal and nonverbal reaction to a communicated message. Close attention to feedback can give the sender confidence that the message is understood. Feeding back part of the output so as to increase the input is positive feedback; feeding back part of the output in such a way as to partially oppose the input is negative feedback.
Context: the relevant constraints of the communicative situation that influence language use, language variation, and discourse. This may include the surrounding environment or broader culture (corporate culture, international culture). It can be the surroundings, circumstances, environment, background, or settings which determine, specify, or clarify the meaning of the message

A famous still image of John McCain taken out of context in the last US election


In order for the transfer of information to qualify as communication, the recipient must
understand the meaning of the information transferred to them. If the recipient does not
understand the meaning of the information conveyed to them, communication has not taken

Shannon and Weaver's communication model

As you can see in the example below, Communicator A is sending a message to Communicator B through a medium (channel). The message is transferred through the medium and received by Communicator B. Communicator B decodes the message, understands the message and sends it back to Communicator A. Meaningful communication has taken place if the information exchanged occurs in a common manner of language that both Communicator A and B understands.

How the audience, message and channel elements factor into the communication process:

The Communication Process

Lets say the person on the left in the diagram above wants to send a message to the person
the right.The man on the left has to decide what language the man on the right will need in
order to understand the message.Also the man on the left has to take into account societal
factors such as the relationship between them and the context of the message These 3
factors of language, relationship with each other as well as the context of the conversation
will influence the tone of their conversation. Next, the appropriate channel needs to be
selected to communicate the message. Typical channels of communication include:
Writing, face-to-face speaking, having a telephone conversation, video-call, email, fax, SMS
or even through instant online messaging providers such as Instant Messenger.The man on
the right may give feedback to the man on the left to further his understanding of the message
and having more clarity regarding the appropriate response.


Here is a video which uses the model of a message sent through a paper aeroplane to demonstrate the communication process:
Youtube Video
Communication Theory

Uploaded by on 4 Dec 2009
Youtube Video

Berlo's Communication Model
In 1960, David Berlo expanded on Shannon and Weaver's model of communication. It takes into account the emotional aspect of the message. Berlo's model of communication operates on the SMCR model

Here is a useful link which looks at Berlo's model in more detail

Communication In Contemporary Society

What effect is communication having on contemporary society?

Look Up

Saturday 4 February 2017

Assgt 8 The Interview:Listening and speaking skills

Listening and Speaking Skills (Interview Skills)

Students will have to participate in a one on one interview with ther tutor. Students have the option to tailor the interview towards either applying for a job or applying for a place in further education
o Learners must participate in an assessment that demonstrates the learner’ability to communicate in a one-to-one formal situation.
o This may be recorded on audio or visual recorder.
o This should be approximately 5-7 minutes in duration.

Listening and Speaking Skills: Interview
• Effective communication, appropriate to situation                                          3
• Careful listening skills evident, clarification sought if needed                         3
• Dialogue elaborated and expanded on,situation dealt with appropriately      3
• Relevant questions asked                                                                             3
Clear and effective speech evident                                                               3

Practise interview skills

Presenting your CV can seem a daunting task. It is important not to just run through what is just on the CV, the employer has that already. Now is your chance to shine and give them a fuller picture of your job potential.

Have a look at this video from Brightwater Recruitment where 2 candidates are taken through a presentation class. Is there anything you could learn from the feedback they were given?

Here are 2 videos below from highlighting some of the big mistakes which graduates often make as well as dealing with competency based interviews.

Youtube Video

Graduate Interviews - Biggest Mistakes - Cara Fallon, Ericsson, Jameson, PwC, Fidelity

Uploaded by  on 5 Feb 2009

Youtube Video 

Competency Based Interviews - PwC, KPMG,

Uploaded by  on 5 Feb 2009

Here are some examples of video CV's by graduates. It may give you ideas about important areas to cover in your interview. 

Zookel Video CV Graduate

Uploaded by  on 13 Feb 2009

 Youtube Video 
Short Video Resume

Uploaded by  on 11 Jan 2010

Here are some of the top questions being asked in interviews. Put your own style on how you answer them but it is more important than ever to prepare as interviewers want to be able to hire the best people for their job.

Youtube Video Top 36 Interview Questions

Uploaded by  on 18 Mar 2010

Most Frequently Asked Interview Questions and Answers 

Uploaded by  on 1 Sep 2009

How to Ace an Interview with Your Body Language

Uploaded by  on 9 Nov 2010
  • Have a print out of your CV
  • Type up what you have learned about the interview process