Monday 8 December 2014

Preparing for the Water Charges protest on December 10th

On the 6th December many proud parents and grandparents along with their children and grandchildren hit the streets of Dublin in a warm-up protest for the 10th of December. They came from Roscommon, Navan, Tipperary, Thurles, Kerry, Athlone, Dublin and one lady even came over from Lanzarote. They are asked why they are here as well and if they have a mesage for the Irish Government. Directed and edited by Marcus Howard. Filmed on December 6th, 4 days before the big protest on December 10th.

Water Charges Warm-up Protest December 6th
                                  Directed and edited by Marcus Howard.

Here is possibly one of the greatest protest songs to come out of Ireland.

The Rolling Tav Revue---No Privatisation, Irish Water, Irish
Uploaded by Kitchen sessions

Wednesday 3 December 2014

New Media and key issues effecting them

In the 21st century, we have access to content whenever we want, on whatever device we're using from virtually anywhere in the world. In today's world of multimedia, there is a stronger focus on interactive feedback with the audience, as well as a stronger focus on formulating communities of people.

Most technological new media devices are digital and often compatible with other devices. Websites, computer games, computer multimedia and dvds are becoming more and more integrated with each other.

Another issue surrounding new media is the democratization of published and creative content. For example anyone can create a blog and invite comments to be posted. This is often seen on Sky News where members of the general public have tweeted in their thoughts about stories or reality tv like X Factor or Big Brother where the audience makes the show by voting which contestants are in or out.

Did You Know 4.0

  Uploaded by on Sep 14, 2009

Social Media Revolution 2011 

Uploaded by on Jun 8, 2011

The World of Social Media in 2011 - All The Statistics, Facts and Figures 

Uploaded by on Mar 3, 2011

Social Media Stats Ireland - June 2011
Uploaded by on May 30, 2011

The Workforce is Changing rapidly - How Will You Manage?
Uploaded by on Aug 12, 2010
You may also find this other 20 minute documentary useful about some of the more likely technological changes of the future and what effect that can have on society. The documentary looks at the past, present and future of connectivity, as well as key personnel from Flickr, Wired UK and Soundcloud discussing the emerging trends and opportunities as the new networked society develops.

Networked Society 'On the Brink'

Uploaded by on Nov 3, 2011

Wikipedia the online encyclopedia is shaping how we research for content. Digital text,  pictures and links can help us research topics in great detail. Yet who is putting up the content? Everybody. A community of editors and donors of information from all over the world help to create how Wikipedia has developed into one of the most popular research websites on the planet.

Here is a 20 minute clip about how Wikipedia was created and continues to develop by founder Jimmy Wales at one of the TED talk summits.

The History of Wikipedia (in two minutes)
Uploaded by on Dec 2, 2009

Jimmy Wales: How a ragtag band created Wikipedia

Uploaded by on Jan 16, 2007
Here is a recent shorter clip from 2011

Jimmy Wales 10th anniversary global call to action 

 Uploaded by on Jan 3, 2011

The History of Google
Uploaded by on Sep 3, 2011

Facebook is an example of new media transforming the landscape of how we communicate by social media. With this medium, the users are the participants. Businesses are expanding through being able to advertise to the individual as opposed to a more general target audience. How? The user puts up their content.

Facebook Founder Mark Zuckerberg Interview

 Uploaded by on Aug 9, 2009

Introducing Timeline -- a New Kind of Profile
From: theofficialfacebook  | Sep 22, 2011  

2010: Year of the iPad

Uploaded by on Mar 2, 2011


 What are the advantages of social media?

What are the disadvantages?

In this video clip, Jon Snow from Channel 4 News discusses the impact of new media on broadcasting and journalism. Opportunities within new media and the concept of retaining or fusing together traditional media with these advances in communication technologies are discussed.

Jon Snow on New Media 

 Uploaded by on Sep 4, 2009

Wikileaks has helped to evolve the manner of news reporting, although controversially.

Here is a documentary about the company

The Wikileaks Documentary -- Full Version 

Uploaded by on Dec 11, 2010

Here is the controversial film footage entitled Collateral Murder. Viewer discretion is advised as there are real life fatalities in this clip.

Collateral Murder - Wikileaks - Iraq

Uploaded by on Apr 3, 2010

Illegeal downloading of music and movies are becoming more and more prevalent. How has new media effected this?

Debate simmers over illegal downloads - 17 Apr 09

Uploaded by  on Apr 17, 2009

Movie Piracy Debate

Uploaded by  on Aug 21, 2006

 Advertising is also seeing a shift in thinking as a result of new media. It cost $1,000,000 to advertise during the Superbowl in the US yet what Dorito's asked their customers to do was to get customers to make their own ad and the best ad for Dorito's would be voted upon.

Have a look at this Wikipedia link for thoughts about new media from a variety of scholars. Particuarly look at Lev Manowich's definition of New Media.

Also look at the "globalisation and new media" section and new media as a tool for social change

 What are the main issues of new media?

Old vs. New

Uploaded by  on May 25, 2009


Uploaded by  on Jul 16, 2009
Technology and the Future
Here is a Ted talk video below by Patties Maes demonstrating the newest version of 6th sense technology. If you have seen the film Minority Report with Tom Cruise you may be surprised at how fast technology has developed towards making the technology used in the film a reality. The technology you see below allows users to interact with their environment in a more profound way.

Pattie Maes: Unveiling game-changing wearable tech

Uploaded by on Mar 10, 2009

Microsoft's Concept of How 2019 Will Look Like -
Uploaded by on Oct 27, 2011

A Day Made of Glass... Made possible by Corning.
Uploaded by on Feb 7, 2011

Thursday 27 November 2014

Ireland 2016 The Unofficial Version

Directed and edited by Marcus Howard.This is my own independent response to the official 2016 Ireland Inspires video.I was that disappointed with the official 1916 video which made no reference to the leaders of 1916 and seemed like a watered down version of a video suitable for The Gathering that I decided to make my own one.. This video features quotes from various people involved in 1916 and looks at a variety of protests and issues around Ireland like the bondholder bailout protests which Ballyhea Says No and numerous other groups are protesting as well as some footage from protests at Shannon and water charge protests. The poem "Was It For This"? is performed and written by Stephen Murphy. I often walk around Dublin and wonder if the leaders of 1916 of which we will be commemorating in just over a year would be happy with the state of Ireland today. 

                      Ireland 2016 The Unofficial Version #Ireland Inspires
                                               Directed and edited by Marcus Howard

Monday 17 November 2014

Frances Rocks Speech The Desire To Inspire

After 40 years teaching, this keynote speech was delivered by Frances Rocks at the INOTE conference in 2014 to other English Teachers around Ireland. The speech is entitled The Desire To Inspire. Audio recorded by Eoghan Evesson. Visuals sourced by Marcus Howard.

         Frances Rocks Speech iNote 2014 The Desire To Inspire

Thursday 13 November 2014

Media Theory Marshall McLuhan

"The medium is the message" is a term coined by Marshall McLuhan. What he is trying to get across is that the form of the medium embeds itself in the message, therefore allowing the medium to influence the perception of the message. “The medium is the message” because it is the “medium that shapes and controls the scale and form of human association and action.” (Understanding Media, NY, 1964, p. 9)

Log onto

Also Youtube Marshall McLuhan and "the medium is the message"

Look at the handout given out on media theory. Can you apply media theory to issues within the mass media today?

MAD MEN - "The medium is the message" 1.06

Uploaded by  on Aug 24, 2007

The Medium is the Message.

Marshall McLuhan 2Minute Thinker: The Medium is the Message

The Medium is the Message

Marshall McLuhan: The Medium is the Message

Marshall Mcluhan Full lecture: 

The medium is the message - 1977 part 1 v 3

Wednesday 12 November 2014

Ballyhea Says No The Economists' March

At the 2014 Kilkenomics festival, respected economists and financial experts such as Constantin Gurdgiev, Max Keiser, Bill Black, David Hall and Stacy Herbert along with many others all marched with Diarmuid O’Flynn under the Ballyhea Says No to the Bondholder Bailout banner. This issue is bigger than the water charges as it affects Ireland's independence and sovereignty. Questions asked included should the €28 billion currently sitting in the Central Bank be burned, thoughts on Irish people paying 42% of Europe’s debt and what was their opinion on the Trichet letters which have only recently surfaced. The promissory note bonds are complex and perhaps deliberately so but they are breaking Ireland and making debt slaves of this generation and the next one. Please help get the message out there if you can. Directed and edited by Marcus Howard.

                                             Ballyhea Says No The Economists' March

                                             Directed and edited by Marcus Howard

Thursday 6 November 2014

The Water Charge Roar of Dublin

On November 1st nearly 100 local protests happened all around the country of Ireland against the water charges. This video features highlights from the Dublin Lockdown which saw numerous groups and communities stand shoulder to shoulder in their refusal to pay the water charges by Irish Water. The atmosphere at the protest had some moments of real electricity and Irish people regaining their pride.
Organised by Dublin Says No, The Land League and numerous other groups the event was a big success. Guest Brendan Ogle of Right2Water also highlighted another peaceful march and National Assembly outside The Dáil on December 10th. Minister of Finance Michael Noonan said that the November 1st would be the last protest. Judging from this protest as well as the numerous other successful ones in Dublin and all over the country, I think he may be in for a big surprise. Directed and edited by Marcus Howard.

                                      The Water Charge Roar of Dublin

                    Directed and edited by Marcus Howard

Sunday 2 November 2014

Dublin Lockdown The Interviews November 2014

On November 1st local protests took place against the water charges all over the country. This video features a selection of interviews taken before, during and after the Dublin Lockdown of November 1st regarding Irish Water and the water charges. I filmed and interviewed people from Connolly Station and at the GPO before and afterwards.The next date to march will be on December 10th at 1. 

             Dublin Lockout The Interviews November 2014

                                                      Directed and edited by Marcus Howard.

Stephen Murphy Dear Enda Dublin Lockdown Nov 1st

Poet Stephen Murphy takes on Enda Kenny at the Dublin Lockdown 2014 on November 1st. Introduction by Aidan Killian.
                                                                Filmed by Marcus Howard.

Saturday 1 November 2014

Personal and Professional Development Advice

Irish 21st Century Students would like to welcome the international Liberal Arts group to DKIT and we wish you the very best of luck in your studies.

Here is a selection of videos from famous entrepreneurs and politicians regarding advice to do with college and also about your career. You may find them useful in helping you to focus on what you do want to get out of this subject.

Obama's Advice to Aspiring College Students: "Make a good investment" - "Hangout" (Part 12) 

 Uploaded by on 30 Jan 2012


Bill Gates-11 Rules You Will Never Learn In School 

 Uploaded by on 7 Jun 2010

Richard Branson: learning from failure.

Uploaded by on 17 Apr 2009

Donald Trumps Advice on Choosing a Career 

Uploaded by on 6 Sep 2009

Steve Jobs: Thoughts on Life

 Uploaded by on 6 Oct 2011

Mark Zuckerberg's Words Of Wisdom (Best Quotes From The Facebook Founder)

 Uploaded by on 9 Oct 2010

Tony Robbins - Unlock What's Stopping You

 Uploaded by on 8 Mar 2010

  You may be surprised by the video below regarding studies which indicate what the real motivation factors are for our careers as employees or as employers.

RSA Animate - Drive: The surprising truth about what motivates us 

 Uploaded by on Apr 1, 2010

Click this link to see an example of role models from Malaysia


Top 5 Malaysian female role models


Tuesday 21 October 2014

Right2Water protests in Dublin

On October 11th it is estimated that crowds of 100,000 people descended on Dublin to protest the water charges. On November 1st there is another protest planned in Dublin and also in various towns and cities around the country.

Speeches, national and international media coverage and contact information for local Facebook and Twitter groups are also available on this video for the protest on November 1st.

                                     Right2Water The Day Ireland Roared

                               Directed and edited by Marcus Howard

A selection of interviews and footage at the Right2Water groups featuring Derek Byrne, Joan Collins TD, Bríd Smith, Richard Boyd Barrett, Elizabeth Hourihane, Councillor John Lyons, Chris Wakefield, Kieran Allen and others. This protest has been mentioned in Sydney, Russia and Iran and is seen as one of the largest protests in Ireland in recent years. Interviewed and edited by Marcus Howard.

                                    Right2Water Protest The Interviews
                                                 Directed and edited by Marcus Howard

Monday 20 October 2014

CV and Interview skills

This should be a “real life” CV, presented on 2 pages and word processed.
Follow appropriate layout for a CV.

Structure-headings, logical order, reverse chronology,
Essential components- personal details, education, qualifications, work experience, referees etc
Relevance, consistency, focus on future career and job opportunities 
 Presentation – word processed, two pages attractiveness

Your CV is what sells you. In 2012 in Ireland it is an employers market. You are now in a more competitive market for jobs than in 2006. As a result, you may be competing for a job against someone with 10 years experience. Your potential employer hasn't met you yet and you are one of a bundle of CV's. At this stage your CV and cover letter is the only piece of information they have about you. How are you going to promote yourself? How are you with your CV, going to make the difference between getting an interview or not?
Is there spelling mistakes? Over 80% of CV's have spelling mistakes in them. What signal are you sending out to your employer about you if there are a lot of spelling mistakes?

    Youtube Video

Jobs Club 2: CV Preparation - TV3's Ireland AM with Brightwater

Uploaded by on 20 Aug 2009

Jobs Club 41: Handling Interview Questions 

Uploaded by on 20 Jul 2010

Career Advice: The Perfect CV 

Uploaded by on 9 Jul 2009

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What was difficult in this task?

What did you learn?

Is there anything else that could have been included in the topic to make it easier for you to understand?

Was the topic explained well or not?
Are there any video links from Youtube that may also be useful?
(if so please copy and paste the link in the comments section with a sentence explaining what it is)